BMW R1100/1150 (R1200) Alternative Parts List:
Caution: This list is for informational purposes only. I accept no responsibility for accuracy, or any damage caused to your motorcycle if you choose to use this information.
Oil Filters are reputed to work on the R1200 as well, though I do know they will fit, I make no assertion that they are the correct filter for the bike. Use at your own risk, as will all of the alternative parts listed.
Parts for R1100/1150 BMWsNumber Two Sections: Alternate Parts & BMW Part numbers* if unlisted, assume BMW part numbers
Alternative Parts
headlight replacement bulb: H4
brake pads: front, EBC #FA246
Windscreen rocker replacement microswitch: Burgess #F1NST8
Fuel pump/horn/etc (BMW 61-36-1-393-412) relay can be replaced with NAPA AR614 relay although the NAPA part doesn't have the lugs to lock the relay in place.NAPA AR614
The front brake hyd. line Montok (sp) line (part number ) works fine with barbacks925673/0001545
Air filter (C and S do NOT have the same model as the rest of the oilheads)
BMW 13.72-1 340 680
Mann-Hummel c1552 (original)
Mahle/knecht LX578
Champion makes one too (don�t know the ref yet)
Fuel filters:
BMW 16.14-1 461 265 or 16.14-2 325 859
Mahle/knecht KL145 (original)
Deutsch FF424
Oil filters:
FRAM is the correct FRAM but hard to find at WallyWorld.PH6063
FRAM is readily available and worksPH3614
Mobil-1 M1-102
BMW 11.42-1 460 843 or 845
Mahle/knecht/microstar/tecafiltre (original part)OC91
Champion (of motorcycle range)C301
Purflux LS188B
Tech9 (France only, made by Mahle in fact)n�16
Hiflofiltro (from Thailand)HF-163
Mann-Hummel MW712
Detlev Louis (Germany) 10050195
Toyota 08922-02004 or 90915-YZZB9
Perf-form (on www.perf-form.com) <http://www.perf-form.com/>BMW-1
UFI makes one too (italian)
Donit (www-motobins.co.uk)43 10 133
For After May, '97, 1100RT
Bosch 3330
WalMart ST3614
Purolator Needed
For 1100RT not sure if it will do an 1150RT ( me thinks it will) Altenator belt:
Contitech BMW P/N 11.28-1341779-6926375>CR< 4PK 611 SR
BMW lists the oil drain as 16mm, transmission fill as 18mm, and the others(both final drive plugs and tranny drain) as 14mm.
Spark plugs:
Bosch FR5DTC
Bosch FR6DDC
Bosch FR6LDC
Bosch (snd of twin spark models)YR6LDE
Bosch FR6DP1
Bosch (silver)FR6DS
Bosch 4417
Bosch 4418
NGK (iridium)BCR6EIX-11
NGK (iridium use at your own risk, very long protrusion, does NOT touch piston, sleep well)IZFR6 B
Autolite 3923
Champion RC7YC(C)
Champion RC8YCC
Champion RC9YC (-4)
Spark plugs for REAL EMERGENCY ONLY on the road: CHAMPION RC12YC
Denso iridium hotIQ20
Denso iridium coldIQ22
Denso iridium hotIK20
Denso iridium coldIK22
Brisk hotDR15ZC
Brisk coldDR14ZC
Brisk DOR14LGS
Brisk very coldDOR12LGS
Spline lube paste:
Staburags 75 gNBU 30 PTM 07.55-9 056 992
Optimoly 100 gMP 3 07.55-9 062 476
Old original battery from MAREG 12 V-19 Ah-100 A61.21-2 306 125
New original battery from Deutsche Exide 12 V-19 Ah-170 A61.21-2 306 626
New gel battery from Deutsche Exide61.21-2 346 800
Varta 51 913
Yuasa YB18L-A
The Hall Effect sensors for the Ignition sensor plate (R1100 series) are Honeywell. There are two but in all likelihood only one will have failed. Its likely the 1150 uses the same sensor, but as I havent seen one I cannot say for sure. Available from Farnell.com in the UK or Newark.com in the US2av54
Available from Farnell.com in the UK or Newark.com in the US
O2 Sensors:
Replacement Bosch O2 sensor for `94 R1100RSA AutoZone identical 4-wire replacement . Best price found on the BMW part at a BMW dealer was ~$180. Picked up the #13474 at AutoZone for ~$60.BTW, Bosch recommends oxygen sensor replacement for preventative maintenance at the following intervals:Unheated O2 sensors on 1976 to early 1990s application: every 30,000 to 50,000 miles.Heated (2nd generation) O2 sensors on mid-1990s and up applications: every 100,000 miles.Bosch #13474
Misc Mechanical Components and Information
on the 1150. I have two 18mm crush washers on the trans, two 14mm crush washers on the rear end, and the normal 16mm crush washer on the engine oil drain plug
Popped out oil level window, emergency repair:
In a auto parts store (Autozone, NAPA, etc) get a 1.5" adjustable freeze plug. It is hard rubber, with a nut in the center to tighten it.
BMW Part Numbers
input shaft seal (1100) : 22 x 36 x 623.12-1 340 331
output shaft seal (all) : 25 x 40 x 623.12-1 340 324
lever shaft seal (all) : 12 x 22 x 523.12-1 340 322
Gear box to swing arm bellows 33.17-1 454 552
Gear box input shaft seal 23.12-1 340 331
Gear box output shaft seal 23.12-1 340 334
Bearings and Seals:
input shaft seal (the infamous) : 35 x 47 x 733.11-1 451 185
output shaft seal (wheel side) : 85 x 110 x 1033.12-1 241 619
bellows steel clamp (big) has 131 mm diameter33.17-2 452 584
bellows steel clamp (small) has 90 mm diameter33.17-1 458 197
final drive pivot bearing: 10 x 32 x 1633.17-2 311 091
needle bearing from input shaft (small) : 15 x 30 x 1833.12-1 236 996
big bearing from output shaft (wheel side) : 85 x 120 x 1833.12-1 242 210
small bearing from output shaft (side cas side): 25 x 52 x 16.2533.12-1 451 188
o ring from neutral switch (1100) : 28 x 223.31-1 341 754
triple tree bearing : 20 x 47x 20.631.42-2 314 725
hose clamp (Oetiker) for fuel filter has 13 mm diameter13.31-1 462 928
front crankshaft seal (breather) : 40 x 62 x 711.11-1 341 849
front crankshaft seal (under hall sensor) : 30 x 42 x 711.11-1 340 773
99 R1100 RT
(some parts only available in Europe, even only France)
engine oil filler plug o�ring approx dimensions 17.5 to 18 X 4 mm11.14-1 340 902
filler plug insert o�ring exact dimensions 24.99 x 3.53 mm11.14-1 340 901
engine oil drain crush washer id 16 mm
gear oil drain washer none if you have screw with integered seal (13 mm hex head instead of old soft 6 mm Allen head)
gear oil fill washer id 18 mm
final drive fill and drain washer 14 mm
oil level sight glass 11.11-1 465 293
crank shaft rear seals: inner , 65 x 83 x 7mm , outer 11.11-1 341 087, 65 x 85 x 10 mm11.11-1 341 135
crank shaft rear seals: outer , 65 x 85 x 10 mm11.11-1 341 087
crank shaft front seal 11.11-1 340 773
Tailight bulb (hard to find but supposedly brighter than OEM)1037 H
Alternate plug wires available at Nology.com
1150RT BMW Numbers
Oil Filter 111421460845
Oil Drain Crush Ring--16mm 17119963252
Tran/Drive Crush Ring--18mm 27119963300
Tran/Drive Crush Ring--14mm 27119963200
Air Filter 113711341528
Spark Plug NGK 212127653771
75W140 Syn. Gear Oil 1.257511469906
Valve Cover inner gasket 211121341707
Valve Cover outer gasket 211121341708
Fuel Filter 116142325859
Fuel hose clamps 216111341962
Fuel line disconnect O rings 213317659110
Injector/Fuel Parts
R1100 BMW 13.64-1 341 352
R1150 BMW (also model for F650 GS and CS)13.71-1 342 366
300 kPa fuel pressure regulator 13.53-1 465 153
small o�ring for above reg 13.53-1 341 067
big o�ring for above reg if from Bosch 13.53-1 341 066
big o�ring for above reg if from Pierburg 13.53-1 465 193
o�ring for large brass screw (idle) not sold alone by BMW is exactly 5x 1.5 mm (Viton)
complete screw BMW RS et RT13.54-1 342 073
complete screw, BMW for GS, R and 85013.54-1 342 074
vacuum nipple plug (synching) BMW 13.54-1 460 594
GS intake tube left 13.71-1 341 405
GS intake tube right 13.71-1 341 406
GS CAT code plug 61.36-8 366 625
Screw for valve adjustment 11.33-1 341 045
Nut for above screw 11.33-1 340 636
Under fuel cap o�ring , exact dimensions 72.39 x 5.33 mm Viton07.11-9 900 019
Fuel pump unit o�ring , approx 112 x 5.25 mm Viton16.14-1 341 008
Fuel quick connect female 13.31-7 659 119
Fuel quick connect male 13.31-7 659 120
O�ring for above assembly 13.31-7 659 110
Fuel pump 16.14-1 341 231
Strainer for above 16.14-1 341 233
big metal hose clamp for above 33.17-2 335 120
small metal hose clamp for above 33.17-1 458 197
Plastic hose clamp for advantageously replacing both above clamps 33.17-2 335
plastic hose clamp is 33.17-2 335 139
TDC hole plug 11.11-1 341 418
RealManPlug(TM � etc) 11.11-1 744 327
Large valve cover gasket 12.12-1 341 708
Small valve cover gasket (plug hole) 12.12-1 341 707
Small valve cover gasket (screws) 12.12-1 341 875
Enhanced Left cam chain tensioner with anti drain valve (less noise at re-start) 11.31-2 325 563
Crush washer for cam chain tensioner 07.11-9 963 308
Cam shaft access hole cover 11.12-1 341 784
O�ring for above cover 11.12-1 341 873
Copper washer for exhaust pipe to cylinder head 18.21-1 341 323
Hall sensor 12.11-2 306 137
Alternator belt:
4K611 (4 v�s of PK profile, total length 611 mm)
Continental 12.31-1 341 779
Dayco12.31-1 342 059
Other brand 12.31-1 342 087
First models every 24kkmi (Pirelli)12.31-1 341 563.3
700 W Bosch alternator 12.31-2 306 020
Misc Parts:
Side stand switch 61.31-2 306 060
Neutral switch 61.31-2 306 356
O�ring for above 23.31-1 341 754
Gear indicator 61.31-2 306 202
Flat seal for above 23.31-1 340 363
Front left wheel bearing 25 X 52 X 20.6 3205.2RS, 36.31-2 310 972
Front right wheel bearing 20 x 47 x 14 6204.2RS, 36.31-2 310 520
Triple tree (front) bearing Koyo 5204 RS or SKF 3204 2RS, 31.42-2 314 308
Lock for side case 51.25-2 313 284
Repair kit for broken orange tong of side case lock 71.60-7 654 337
Swing Arm/Final Drive:
final drive pivot bearing is 33.17-2 311 091
Swing arm shaft bearing 33.17-2 311 729
Final drive pivot bearing 33.17-2 311 729
Final drive input shaft bearing 33.12-2 310 925
Final drive input shaft needle bearing 33.12-1 326 995
Final drive output big bearing 33.12-1 468 899
Fianl drive output small bearing 33.12-1 451 188
Final drive input shaft seal 33.11-1 451 185
Final drive output seal 33.12-1 241 619
Final drive bellows 33.17-1 452 504
R1200 Alternative Parts:
Link to R1200 list: BMWSportTouring Site
Oil Filters are reputed to work on the R1200 as well, though I do know they will fit, I make no assertion that they are the correct filter for the bike. Use at your own risk, as will all of the alternative parts listed.
R1200 Crush Washers, measurements.
Crush washer specs for the R1200.
Apparently BMW is now starting to sell new drain plugs instead of just crush washers for at least the transmission, and possibly the engine as well.
So, I did my 36K today, and here are the dimensions for the crush washers. I used a digital caliper for each measurement:
Oil drain plug: 19.7mm outer diameter, 16.0mm inner diameter, 1.5mm thick.
Trans Oil drain plug: 17.7mm outer diameter, 14.1mm inner diameter, 1.5mm thick.
Trans Oil fill plug: 21.7mm outer diameter, 18mm inner diameter, 1.5mm thick.
Final Drive Oil drain plug O-ring: 15.0mm outer diameter, 11.2mm inner diameter, 1.8mm thick.
Final Drive Oil fill plug O-ring: 15.4mm outer diameter, 11.0mm inner diameter, 2.1mm thick.
The O-rings were tough to measure for inner and outer diameter, but this is as accurate as I could get.
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