Motorcycle Maintenance and Repair Videos
JVB Productions
BMW R-Series Repair Video DVD:
Price $30 plus shipping DVD
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There are many of common items that these bikes need, but I concentrated on the most common, and the ones the average backyard mechanic could do at home. For example, the Final Drive Replacement/Pivot Bearing change includes the adjustment procedure, and allows one to remove the Final Drive to send it in for repair, saving lots of money on techician labor, it does NOT include HOW to repair it.
Most of the procedures also can be used for a variety of issues related to the items being worked on. For example the Final Drive procedure can save hundreds of dollars in labor and allow you to send the final drive to the shop of your choice for repairs (see links to repair facilities in the Links section).
I wanted to add more items, but I ran out of video time at 2 hours long. There is a new Repair II DVD available with additional coverage. See it here.
The DVD should assist those of you on the fence in deciding you CAN do these repairs yourself, and save money for those all-important farkles, and gas for riding! It is also an excellent resource for those looking to see what the dealer does during repairs.
The DVDs are available for $30 plus $4 shipping to the continental US, $6 for non-US shipping.
I will accept Paypal as this is my preferred method of payment. I will also accept money orders, and personal checks for US orders ONLY, and with a US bank only, see the sales buttons on the top of this page for ordering.
The DVD is available for shipping immediately. It is produced into a master pressed format like a store bought movie which should be viewable on most DVD formats (NTSC), as well as virtually any lap-top computer. Many top line DVD players in Europe also play this format, though it is the North American Standard. See this link for locations in which this DVD will definitely work. In some cases you may need to use the basic Windows or Mac DVD player on your computer or laptop.
Many of the parts I used for this DVD came from the following: for the brake parts for the 1100/1150 Final Drive Pivot Bearings and Driveshafts.
Caution: Although every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this DVD it was primarily designed to enhance your knowledge of the BMW series motorcycles. As such, it is not meant to replace the maintenance manual or to supply complete information about each procedure covered. Any damage done to a motorcycle or personal injury resulting from the use of the DVD is solely the responsibility of the user and not the maker or seller of the DVD. Please use the DVD as a reference only. Performing motorcycle maintenance can be dangerous so please take the proper precautions when attempting to perform your own service work. If you do not have the proper tools or mechanical ability to do this type of work it is best left to the professionals at your BMW Service Center.
Jim Bade (Jim von Baden)

Copywrite 2021 JimVonBaden/JVB Productions
The following list are the repair items contained in this DVD:
1. Brake pad change .................................................................... R1100/1150/1200*
2. Brake rotor change.............................................. R1200 Notes for R1100/1150
3. FD/Pivot bearing replacement ............................................... R1100/1150/1200
4. Throttle Cable Replacement ............................................................ R1100/1150
5. Sight Glass Replacement ....................................................... R1100/1150/1200
6. Wheel Removal/Replacement ................................................ R1100/1150/1200*
7. Wheel Tips, valve Stems HF Tire Changer ........................................ Any Bike*
8. Helicoil Stripped Valve Cover bolts ...................................... R1100/1150/1200
9. Starter replacement/Cleaning/Lube ..................... R1100/1150 R1200* Similar
*Not the Wethead R1200.
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